¶(This material began life as a wonderful lecture by Steven Johnson at MIT:
In this notebook we are going to compare performance of a very simple function across several different languages: The sum
. This function computes
where $n$ is the length of a
Let's get a vector of numbers:
a = rand(10^7) # 1D vector of random numbers, uniform on [0,1)
We would expect to see 0.5*10^7, since each element has an expected value of 0.5.
We will use BenchmarkTools.jl for this exercise. This is because the standard @time
macro suffers from sample bias:
@time sum(a)
@time sum(a)
@time sum(a)
using BenchmarkTools
is what you have to beat¶C is often considered the gold standard: difficult on the human, nice for the machine. Getting within a factor of 2 of C is often satisfying. Nonetheless, even within C, there are many kinds of optimizations possible that a naive C writer may or may not get the advantage of.
One can compile C code in Julia. Note that the """
wrap a multi-line string.
C_code = """
#include <stddef.h>
double c_sum(size_t n, double *X) {
double s = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
s += X[i];
return s;
const Clib = tempname() # make a temporary file
# compile to a shared library by piping C_code to gcc
# (works only if you have gcc installed):
using Libdl
open(`gcc -fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -msse3 -xc -shared -o $(Clib * "." * Libdl.dlext) -`, "w") do f
print(f, C_code)
# define a Julia function that calls the C function:
c_sum(X::Array{Float64}) = ccall(("c_sum", Clib), Float64, (Csize_t, Ptr{Float64}), length(X), X)
c_sum(a) ≈ sum(a) # type \approx and then <TAB> to get the ≈ symbolb
c_bench = @benchmark c_sum($a)
println("C: Fastest time was $(minimum(c_bench.times) / 1e6) msec")
d = Dict() # a "dictionary", i.e. an associative array
d["C"] = minimum(c_bench.times) / 1e6 # in milliseconds
We can see above that the BenchmarkTools library takes many sample runs to account for machine noise in the benchmark. We can look at the distribution of times:
using Plots
t = c_bench.times / 1e6 # times in milliseconds
using Statistics
m, σ = minimum(t), std(t)
histogram(t, bins=500,
xlim=(m - 0.01, m + σ),
xlabel="milliseconds", ylabel="count", label="")
¶using PyCall
# Call a low-level PyCall function to get a Python list, because
# by default PyCall will convert to a NumPy array instead (we benchmark NumPy below):
apy_list = PyCall.array2py(a, 1, 1)
# get the Python built-in "sum" function:
pysum = pybuiltin("sum")
pysum(a) ≈ sum(a)
py_list_bench = @benchmark $pysum($apy_list)
d["Python built-in"] = minimum(py_list_bench.times) / 1e6
¶Takes advantage of hardware "SIMD", but only works when it works.
is an optimized C library, callable from Python.
It may be used within Julia as follows:
using Conda
numpy_sum = pyimport("numpy")["sum"]
apy_numpy = PyObject(a) # converts to a numpy array by default
py_numpy_bench = @benchmark $numpy_sum($apy_numpy)
numpy_sum(apy_list) # python thing
numpy_sum(apy_list) ≈ sum(a)
d["Python numpy"] = minimum(py_numpy_bench.times) / 1e6
We could try and see how our hand-written implementation performs:
def py_sum(a):
s = 0.0
for x in a:
s = s + x
return s
sum_py = py"py_sum"
py_hand = @benchmark $sum_py($apy_list)
sum_py(apy_list) ≈ sum(a)
d["Python hand-written"] = minimum(py_hand.times) / 1e6
s library is written entirely in julia! No C
at all! you can easily look at the code by typing
@which sum(a)
j_bench = @benchmark sum($a)
d["Julia built-in"] = minimum(j_bench.times) / 1e6
function mysum(A)
s = 0.0 # s = zero(eltype(A))
for a in A
s += a
j_bench_hand = @benchmark mysum($a)
d["Julia hand-written"] = minimum(j_bench_hand.times) / 1e6
built-in¶using RCall
r_bench = @benchmark R"sum($a)"
d["R built-in"] = minimum(r_bench.times) / 1e6
for (key, value) in sort(collect(d), by=x->x[2])
println(rpad(key, 20, "."), lpad(round(value,digits= 2), 10, "."))
is fastestC
, and ex-equo with the numpyC
, julia
and numpy